Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tabs, trees, windows... Don't get me started...

Jeff Atwood, of famed Coding Horror has some issues with tabs in user interfaces. Don't get me started: not only do I have issues with tabs (and that's an understatement), I don't like tree views, or even windows for that matter.
Why? you might ask. Well, I would reply, the reason I don't like these now standard GUI elements is simple: you constantly have to micro-manage them; you constantly have to move them around, switch from one thing to another to see what you are interested in, using the keyboard with them takes ages, which leaves you with the mouse (which I have no problem with, thank you very much).
Expanding, collapsing, moving up, moving down, resizing, minimizing, switching... Aaargghh... This is a good summary of my life...

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